Flora of Australia Online
Search Instructions
The search wildcard is an asterisk*. Its use is recommended at the beginning of incomplete words or search phrases and in the middle of search words (e.g. Plant names: hir*suta and *suta. Descriptions: flower*red, tree*tall. Habitat information: sand*alkaline, clay*loam).
Step 1. Enter the name of the taxon you are looking for (four options: 1.1 to 1.4)
Step 2. Choose the ‘Display Type’ for your search results (five options: defaults to 2.1 ‘Standard Flora Display’)
Step 3. Choose whether the output is to be sorted ‘Alphabetically’ or ‘As in the published volumes’ (the default)
Step 4. Output format (only html is available)
Step 5. Specify which of the available datasets you wish to search
Step 6. Search
Step 7. Limit Display Results (e.g. display only the plant description or the habitat where it grows along with the name) OR
Step 8. Refine Search (e.g. search for specific information on habitat (e.g. sandy soil), the plant description (e.g. tree, shrub, flower*red) or the Australian State the plant grows in) OR
Step 9. Limit Display Results and then Refine Search (use with Steps 1.4 and 2.1)
Step 1. Enter the name of the taxon you are looking for
Options: Quick Name Search | Common Name Search | Old Name Search OR
Standard Search (for Family | Genus | Species | Infraspecific Name)
1.1 Quick Name Search (one word only)
e.g. To search for Banksia serrata:
Type in: serrata, serr, *errata, *errat, se*ata, etc.;
Results: Step 2.1 information for all names matching the search text (of which Banksia serrata will be one);
Results: Step 2.2 hierarchical tree if only 1 entry returned, an interim taxon list if more than one entry returned;
(Step 2.3 to 2.5 are not designed for use with this search option).
(If you typed in Banksia the search would return information for all matching names in any rank (i.e. Banksia, subg. Banksia, sect. Banksia, ser. Banksia) for searches using Steps 2.1 & 3.1, Steps 2.1 & 3.2, and Steps 2.2 & 3.2. However, if you choose ‘Hierarchical Names List Display’ (Step 2.2) and ‘Alphabetical’ order (Step 3.1) only the ranks of family, genus, species and infraspecific taxa are returned).
1.2 Common Name Search
e.g. To search for Saw Banksia:
Type in: saw banksia, saw, saw*b, s*banks, *banks etc.;
Results: Step 2.1 information for all scientific names which have common names matching the search text;
Results: Step 2.2 hierarchical tree if only 1 entry returned, an interim taxon list if more than one entry returned;
(Step 2.3 to 2.5 are not designed for use with this search option).
1.3 Old Name Search (one word only)
Use this search to find plant names that are no longer current, i.e. names in synonymy with those names accepted in the Flora of Australia.
e.g. To search for Banksia serrata var. hirsuta (a synonym of Banksia serrata) you can search on either hirsuta or serrata:
Type in: hirsuta, hir, *sut, hi*ta etc.;
Results: Step 2.1 information for all accepted names with synonymies matching the search text (of which Banksia serrata var. hirsuta will be one);
Results: Step 2.2 hierarchical tree (showing the accepted name to which the synonym belongs) if only 1 entry returned, an interim taxon list of accepted names (to which the synonyms matching the search text belong) if more than one entry returned;
(Step 2.3 to 2.5 should not be used with this search option).
1.4 Standard Search (results from this search will differ depending on the option you specify in Step 2)
To search on names in the following ranks. One OR more of the following four query fields (ranks) may be used in a search:
1.4a Family
e.g. To find the Family Proteaceae:
Type in Family = Proteaceae, proteac, prot*aceae, *roteaceae etc.;
Results: Step 2.1 family information, plus keys to lower groups;
Results: Step 2.2 hierarchical tree if only 1 entry returned, an interim taxon list if more than one entry returned;
Results: Step 2.3 a list of family/families and their genera;
Results: Step 2.4 a list of family/families, their genera and species;
Results: Step 2.5 a list of family/families, their genera, species and infraspecific taxa.
1.4b Genus
e.g. To find all genera within the Family Proteaceae:
Type in Family = Proteaceae, proteac, prot*aceae, *roteaceae etc.
and Genus = *;
Results: Step 2.1 generic information for all genera within the family, plus keys to lower groups;
Results: Step 2.2 hierarchical tree if only 1 entry returned, an interim taxon list if more than one entry returned;
Results: Step 2.3 a list of genera within the family/families;
Results: Step 2.4 a list of genera and species within the family;
Results: Step 2.5 a list of genera, species and infraspecific taxa within the family.
e.g. To find the genus Banksia:
Type in Family = Proteaceae (optional, but its use is recommended as this limits the size of the search)
and Genus = Banksia, banks, ba*sia, *anks etc.;
Results: Step 2.1 generic information for all matching genera within the family, plus keys to lower groups;
Results: Step 2.2 hierarchical tree if only 1 entry returned, an interim taxon list if more than one entry returned;
Results: Step 2.3 a list of genera within the family/families;
Results: Step 2.4 a list of genera and species within the family;
Results: Step 2.5 a list of genera, species and infraspecific taxa within the family.
1.4c Species
e.g. To find Banksia serrata, use any of the following searches, the most specific being the first:
Type in Genus = banksia, bank, *anksia, *anks, ban*a etc. (optional, but its use is recommended as this limits the size of the search)
and Species = serrata, serr, *errata, se*ata etc.;
Results: Step 2.1 species information for matching species names within the genus (of which Banksia serrata will be one), plus keys to lower groups;
Results: Step 2.2 hierarchical tree if only 1 entry returned, an interim taxon list if more than one entry returned;
Results: Step 2.3 not applicable;
Results: Step 2.4 a list of species within the genus;
Results: Step 2.5 a list of species and infraspecific taxa within the genus.
Type in Family = Proteaceae (optional, but its use, or preferably the genus name, is recommended as this limits the size of the search)
and Species = serrata, serr, *errata, se*ata etc.;
Results: Step 2.1 species information for matching species names within the family (of which Banksia serrata will be one), plus keys to lower groups;
Results: Step 2.2 hierarchical tree if only 1 entry returned, an interim taxon list if more than one entry returned;
Results: Step 2.3 not applicable;
Results: Step 2.4 a list of species;
Results: Step 2.5 a list of species and infraspecific taxa within the family.
Type in Species = serrata, serr, *errata, se*ata etc.;
Results: Step 2.1 species information for matching species names within any family or genus (of which Banksia serrata will be one), plus keys to lower groups;
Results: Step 2.2 hierarchical tree if only 1 entry returned, an interim taxon list if more than one entry returned;
Results: Step 2.3 not applicable;
Results: Step 2.4 a list of species;
Results: Step 2.5 a list of species and infraspecific taxa.
Type in Genus = Banksia (if searching for species = * (all species) ensure you also search on the genus or family field)
and Species = * (although you can use just the wildcard, it is NOT recommended for large families if all species information is to be returned. With large families the search should be delimited with either the Limit Display or Refine Search options from Step 2 or the search may fail and an error message will be returned);
Results: Step 2.1 species information for all species within the family (of which Banksia serrata will be one), plus keys to lower groups;
Results: Step 2.2 hierarchical tree if only 1 entry returned, an interim taxon list if more than one entry returned;
Results: Step 2.3 not applicable;
Results: Step 2.4 a list of species within the family;
Results: Step 2.5 a list of all species and infraspecific taxa within the family.
Type in Family = Proteaceae (if searching for species = * (all species) ensure you also search on the genus or family field)
and Species = * (although you can use just the wildcard, it is NOT recommended for large families if all species information is to be returned. With large families the search should be delimited with either the Limit Display or Refine Search options from Step 2 or the search may fail and an error message will be returned);
Results: Step 2.1 species information for all species within the family (of which Banksia serrata will be one), plus keys to lower groups;
Results: Step 2.2 hierarchical tree if only 1 entry returned, an interim taxon list if more than one entry returned;
Results: Step 2.3 not applicable;
Results: Step 2.4 a list of species within the family;
Results: Step 2.5 a list of all species and infraspecific taxa within the family.
1.4d Infraspecific Name
You may specify a rank of subspecies (subsp.), variety (var.) or form (f.) or you may leave the search default as ‘any rank’.
e.g. To find Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa, use any of the following searches, the most specific being the first:
Type in Family = Proteaceae (optional, but the use of at least one of family, genus or species is recommended as this limits the size of the search)
and/or Genus = Banksia (optional)
and/or Species = spinulosa (optional)
and Infraspecific Name = spinulosa, spin, *ulos, sp*osa etc.;
Results: Step 2.1 infraspecific information for all matching taxa (of which Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa will be one);
Results: Step 2.2 hierarchical tree if only 1 entry returned, an interim taxon list if more than one entry returned;
Results: Step 2.3 not applicable;
Results: Step 2.4 not applicable;
Results: Step 2.5 a list of infraspecific taxa within the specified hierarchy (i.e. Banksia spinulosa).
Type in Family = Proteaceae (optional, but the use of at least one of family, genus or species is recommended as this limits the size of the search)
and/or Genus = Banksia (optional)
and/or Species = spinulosa (optional)
and Type in Infraspecific Name = *
Results: Step 2.1 infraspecific information for all matching taxa within the specified hierarchy (of which Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa will be one);
Results: Step 2.2 hierarchical tree if only 1 entry returned, an interim taxon list if more than one entry returned;
Results: Step 2.3 not applicable;
Results: Step 2.4 not applicable;
Results: Step 2.5 a list of infraspecific taxa within the specified hierarchy (i.e. Banksia spinulosa).
Type in Infraspecific Name = spinulosa, spin, *ulos, sp*osa etc.;
Results: Step 2.1 infraspecific information for all matching taxa (of which Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa will be one);
Results: Step 2.2 hierarchical tree if only 1 entry returned, an interim taxon list if more than one entry returned;
Results: Step 2.3 not applicable;
Results: Step 2.4 not applicable;
Results: Step 2.5 a list of all matching infraspecific taxa in the database.
1.5 Hybrid or Doubtful Name Search
To search on a named hybrid (e.g. Cyathea × marcescens) or a doubtful name (e.g. Cyathea extensa) use Step 1.4c or 1.4d above (e.g. Step 1.4c for Cyathea × marcescens).
To search on a hybrid formula (e.g. Asplenium bulbiferum subsp. gracillimum × hookerianum) either search on the most specific name element of the first name part of the hybrid formula (first example mainly used in conjunction with Step 2.1) or search on the genus (second example in conjunction with Step 2.2).
e.g. To find Asplenium bulbiferum subsp. gracillimum × hookerianum:
Type in Infraspecific Name = gracillimum;
Results: Step 2.1 information for all matching taxa including hybrid names (of which Asplenium bulbiferum subsp. gracillimum × hookerianum will be one);
Results: Step 2.2 one name listed if only one entry returned (click on the icon to expand the hierarchy), or an interim taxon list if more than one entry returned;
Results: Step 2.3 not applicable since Infraspecific Name searched on;
Results: Step 2.4 not applicable since Infraspecific Name searched on;
Results: Step 2.5 a list of all matching infraspecific taxa (of which Asplenium bulbiferum subsp. gracillimum × hookerianum will be one).
Type in Genus = cyathea;
Results: Step 2.1 will not return required hybrid information;
Results: Step 2.2 the genus name is listed and the expanded hierarchy follows it. A icon indicates a hybrid name a
icon indicates a doubtful name;
Results: Step 2.3 not applicable;
Results: Step 2.4 not applicable;
Results: Step 2.5 not applicable.
Step 2. Choose one of the five Display Types for your search results (defaults to 2.1 Standard Flora Display)
2.1 Standard Flora Display
Displays the information as it appears in the published volumes of the Flora of Australia. The display is limited to the ranks of family, genus, species or infraspecific taxa unless ‘Quick Name Search’ (Step 1.1) is used. With ‘Quick Name Search’ names in all ranks which match the search name will show e.g. subfamily, subgenus, section, etc. if present. Note: information on ranks such as subgenus and section can also be accessed through the identification keys which display when the appropriate genus name has been searched on in Step 1.4b. From the results you can switch to the ‘Hierarchical Names List Display’ and vice versa.
Using the ‘Standard Flora Display’ you are able to further LIMIT your display results (Step 7) or further REFINE your search (Step 8).
2.2 Hierarchical Names List Display
Displays the name resulting from your search query in a hierarchical listing. If more than one name results from the query, an interim names list is generated from which you can choose the appropriate taxon. If ‘Alphabetical’ order is chosen (Step 3.1) then only the ranks of family, genus, species and infraspecific taxa will be delivered. If ‘As in the published volumes’ is chosen (Step 3.2), then all ranks will show (i.e. subgenus, section, series, tribe etc. if present). From the results you can switch to the ‘Standard Flora Display’ and vice versa.
Using the ‘Hierarchical Names List Display’ you are able to further REFINE your search (Step 8); however Step 7 (Limit Display Results) is not effective with the ‘Hierarchical Names List Display’.
2.3 List to Genus Level
Displays a list of taxa down to genus from family. If family is the lowest rank specified family and genus names will be listed. If genus is the lowest rank specified only genus names will be listed.
Using this Display you are able to further REFINE your search (Step 8); however Step 7 (Limit Display Results) is not effective with this Display (2.3). From the list generated by this search you can select a taxon and go to either the ‘Standard Flora Display’ or the ‘Hierarchical Names List Display’.
e.g. Type in Family = Proteaceae
Results: family name and genus names within the family.
e.g. Type in Family = Proteaceae, Genus = B*
Results: list of matching genus names within the family.
e.g. Type in Family = Proteaceae, Genus = Banksia
Results: list of matching genus names within the family.
e.g. Type in Genus = Banksia
Results: list of matching genus names in the database.
2.4 List to Species Level
Displays a list of taxa down to species from family. If family is the lowest rank specified family, genus and species names will be listed. If genus is the lowest rank specified genus and species names will be listed. If species is the lowest rank specified only species names will be listed.
Using this Display you are able to further REFINE your search (Step 8); however Step 7 (Limit Display Results) is not effective with this Display (2.4). From the list generated by this search you can select a taxon and go to either the ‘Standard Flora Display’ or the ‘Hierarchical Names List Display’.
e.g. Type in Family = Proteaceae
Results: family name, and all genus and species names within the family.
e.g. Type in Family = Proteaceae, Genus = Banksia
Results: list of genus and species names within the specified hierarchy.
e.g. Type in Family = Proteaceae, Genus = Banksia, Species = serrata
Results: list of matching species names within the specified hierarchy.
e.g. Type in Family = Proteaceae, Genus = Banksia, Species = *
Results: list of all species within the specified hierarchy.
e.g. Type in Genus = Banksia, Species = *
Results: list of all species within the genus.
e.g. Type in Family = Proteaceae, Species = *
Results: list of all species within the family.
2.5 List to Infraspecific Level
Displays a list of taxa from family down to infraspecific level. If family is the lowest rank specified family, genus, species and infraspecific taxa will be listed. If genus is the lowest rank specified genus, species and infraspecific taxa will be listed. If species is the lowest rank specified species and infraspecific taxa will be listed. If infraspecific level is the lowest rank specified only infraspecific taxa will be listed.
Using this Display you are able to further REFINE your search (Step 8); however Step 7 (Limit Display Results) is not effective with the ‘List to Genus’, ‘Species’ or ‘Infraspecies Level’ displays. From the list generated by this search you can select a taxon and go to either the ‘Standard Flora Display’ or the ‘Hierarchical Names List Display’ for the selected name.
e.g. Type in Family = Proteaceae
Results: list of matching family, genus, species and infraspecific taxa within Proteaceae.
e.g. Type in Family = Proteaceae, Genus = Banksia
Results: list of matching genus, species and infraspecific taxa within the family.
e.g. Type in Family = Proteaceae, Genus = Banksia, Species = serrata
Results: list of matching species and infraspecific taxa within the genus.
e.g. Type in Family = Proteaceae, Genus = Banksia, Species = spinulosa, Infraspecific Name = spinulosa
Results: list of matching infraspecific taxa within the species.
e.g. Type in Family = Proteaceae, Genus = Banksia, Species = serrata, Infraspecific Name = *
Results: list of all infraspecific taxa within the species.
e.g. Type in Family = Proteaceae, Genus = Banksia, Infraspecific Name = *
Results: list of all infraspecific taxa within the genus.
e.g. Type in Family = Proteaceae, Infraspecific Name = *
Results: list of all infraspecific taxa within the family.
e.g. Type in Infraspecific Name = *
Results: list of all infraspecific taxa. Not recommended as the search will be too large.
e.g. Type in Infraspecific Name = spinulosa
Results: list of matching infraspecific taxa (e.g. infraspecific names of spinulosa in the genera Banksia and Synaphea).
Step 3. Choose one of the two Sort Options
(defaults to 3.2
‘As in the published volumes’)
Choose either:
Step 3.1 Alphabetical
If you choose the ‘Standard Search’ (Step 1.4) and either of Steps 2.1 or 2.2 only information for ranks of family, genus, species or infraspecific taxa will be returned.
Step 3.2 As in the published volumes (of ABRS: e.g. Flora of Australia Volume 48)
If you choose the ‘Standard Search’ (1.4) and Step 2.1 information for ranks of family, genus, species or infraspecific taxa will be returned. However, if you choose the ‘Quick Name Search’ (1.1) and Step 2.1 information for all available ranks will show (e.g. subfamily, subgenus, section, series, tribe etc.). If you choose the ‘Standard Search’ (1.4) and Step 2.2 then names for all available ranks will show (e.g. subfamily, subgenus, section, series, tribe etc.) and from this listing you can switch to the ‘Standard Flora Display’ for this information.
Step 4. Output format
HTML is the only output option available at present.
Step 5. Choose the dataset you wish to search
5.1 Flora of Australia Online
This is the information from Volumes 1 to 48, and 51 onwards of the Flora of Australia;
5.2 Flora of Australia Online: Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands
This is the information from Flora of Australia Volume 49. For Norfolk Island it includes the associated islets of Nepean Island and Philip Island. For Lord Howe Island it includes the associated islets of the Admiralty Group, Mutton Bird Island, Blackburn (Rabbit) Island and Balls Pyramid.
5.3 Flora of Australia Online: Oceanic Islands excluding above
This is the information from Flora of Australia Volume 50. It covers Christmas Island (Indian Ocean), Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Ashmore Reef, Cartier Island, the Coral Sea Islands Territory, Macquarie Island and Heard Island.
Step 6. Search
OR choose Limit Display Results (Step 7)
OR choose Refine Search (Step 8)
OR choose Limit Display Results and then Refine Search (Step 9)
Step 7. Limit Display Results
This option allows you to limit the information fields that are returned. It is designed for use with the ‘Standard Search’ (Step 1.4) and the ‘Standard Flora Display’ (Step 2.1). You must specify a taxon name in order to perform this step.
To Limit the Display results check the box/boxes for the information you wish to display. In all cases, the taxon name, the author and publication details will also be delivered. Note: not all fields are available for all ranks or all taxa.
e.g. To return the habitat information (as well as the names, authors of the names, publication details) for all species of Banksia:
Type in (Step 1.4) Genus = Banksia, Species = *
Choose Limit Display Results and choose the field ‘Habitat’
Results: the names, authors of the names, publication details and the ‘Habitat’ information for each species of Banksia. If a taxon has no information in the ‘Habitat’ field, that taxon name will not be returned.
Step 8. Refine Search
This option allows you to search for specific text within a field and only return taxon information where a match is found. This option is designed for use with the ‘Standard Search’ (Step 1.4). It may be used with either the ‘Standard Flora Display’ (Step 2.1) or the ‘Hierarchical Names List Display’ (Step 2.2).
To further refine your search specify text you wish to search on within any of the available information fields. Names and all information for that name are returned where a match is found. No results will be returned if a match is not found. Note: not all fields are available for all ranks or all taxa.
e.g. To search for instances where ‘sand’ is contained within the ‘Habitat’ field for all species of Banksia:
Type in (Step 1.4) Genus = Banksia, Species = *
Choose Refine Search and type the word ‘sand’ within the ‘Habitat’ field;
Results: all information for each Banksia species returned BUT only for names where the ‘Habitat’ field includes the word ‘sand’.
Step 9. Limit Display Results and Refine Search
This option allows you to limit the information fields that are returned AND to search for specific text within a field and only return taxon information where a match is found. The information fields returned (Limit Display Results) do not have to be the same as the field/s searched on (Refine Search).
This option is designed for use with the ‘Standard Search’ (Step 1.4) and the ‘Standard Flora Display’ (Step 2.1). In all cases, the taxon name, the author and publication details will also be delivered. Note: not all fields are available for all ranks or all taxa.
e.g. To return the habitat information (as well as the names, authors of the names, publication details) for all species of Banksia where ‘sand’ is contained within the ‘Habitat’ field and where the ‘Distribution’ field includes New South Wales:
Type in (Step 1.4) Genus = Banksia, Species = *
Choose Limit Display Results and choose the field ‘Habitat’;
Choose Refine Search and type the word ‘sand’ within the ‘Habitat’ field and choose New South Wales in the ‘Distribution’ field;
Results: the names, authors of the names, publication details and the ‘Habitat’ information for each species of Banksia where the ‘Distribution’ field includes New South Wales and the ‘Habitat’ field includes the word ‘sand’. If a taxon has no information in the ‘Habitat’ field, that taxon name will not be returned.

Step 1. Enter Search Name
- 1.1 Quick Name Search
- 1.2 Common Name Search
- 1.3 Old Name Search
- 1.4 Standard Search
- 1.4a Family
- 1.4b Genus
- 1.4c Species
- 1.4d Infraspecific Name
- 1.5 Hybrid, Doubtful Name
Step 2. Displays
- 2.1 Standard Flora
- 2.2 Hierarchical
- 2.3 List to Genus Level
- 2.4 List to Species Level
- 2.5 List to Infraspecific Level
Step 3. and onwards
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