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Australian Biological Resources Study

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Flora of Australia

Compiled by A.McCusker

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amplexicaul: of a leaf base, stem-clasping.
connate: fused to another organ (or other organs) of the same kind. cf. adnate.
peltate: of a leaf, having the stalk attached to the lower surface of the blade, not to the margin (also applied, in the same sense, to other stalked structures).
perfoliate: of a sessile leaf or bract, having its base completely wrapped around the stem.
sheath: the lower portion of a grass leaf, clasping the stem; one of the wing-like extensions to the margins of the petiole which wrap around and enclose the stem; closed sheath: one in which the wings are fused to form a cylinder; open sheath: one with a slit on the side opposite to the lamina.
Leaf Attachment to stem
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